Party Girls

Liven up the mood with your Stag Do friends, by booking some party girls to accompany you on your night out or in our Party bus. It's no secret that Hungarian girls are stunning, and all of our party girls are outgoing and lovely, they'll show you the time of your lives!

Välj Paket

  • Party Girls

    • One Party girl for 3 hours
    • Add to Pub crawls or Vip Table at a Club

Övrig information

Our party girls are here to show you a good time in our party buses, VIP table services and limos. However they are under no circumstances escorts. This is purely for female company and fun.

Picked out everything you want? Accommodation sorted? Click the button below and we'll get back to you with a quote customised for your group size, travel dates, and activity ideas.

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Ett giltigt telefonnummer är ett krav.
Det krävs att du anger antalet i din grupp.

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A valid departure date is required.

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