Mud/Oil Show

For some reason, this is our most popular activity. We've been brainstorming a lot what the reason could be and finally figured it out: men like mud and wrestling very much. Unfortunately, we cannot hire real big wrestlers for the performance, so you will have to settle for two naked Hungarian babes. Sorry about that... If you would like to watch the Stag wrestle with the Roly Poly Stripper, just ask us.

Välj Paket

  • Mud/Oil Show

    • Snygg engelsktalande guide - Transport till och från hotellet - 2 sexiga strippor som "brottas" i 15 minuter - brudgummen ger sig in i leken - En gratis runda öl - Dusch finns tillgängligt

Övrig information

  • Available only on the Riverboat cruise, all year round anytime of the day or night

  • This is a mud/oil erotic show not an actual fight! - your safety is our top priority!

  • Shower and Towel available for the Stag

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