
If you're in town in the warmer months, when snowboarding and skiing isn't possible, but are still up for some sliding around fun then try our awesome wakeboard track! Located in the centre with beautiful picturesque views of Riga's Old Town, we're sure you'll love the experience.

Wähle eine Option aus

  • Wakeboard Xtra

    • 30 Minuten Kabel-Wakeboard-Bahnnutzung
    • Kompletter Ausrüstungssatz (Neoprenanzug, Helm, Schwimmweste, Wakeboard)
    • Professioneller Instruktor
    • Dress Code: Bequeme Kleidung
  • Wakeboard

    • 15 Minuten Kabel-Wakeboard-Bahnnutzung
    • Kompletter Ausrüstungssatz (Neoprenanzug, Helm, Schwimmweste, Wakeboard)
    • Professioneller Instruktor
    • Dress Code: Bequeme Kleidung

Andere Information

Available from May to September

Zum Schluss noch

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